Our goal is to lead our people's hearts and minds back to our God, to live as the children of God. Moreover, Blacks, Native Americans and Latinos must learn the truth, that they are the Biblical 12 tribes of the Nation of Israel. Understanding that our forefathers and mothers were disobedient to our God’s laws, that were given to us by covenant, and that their transgressions to God's laws is the root of our ill troubles that we as Nation receive from the Nations of this world.
Blacks, Native Americans and Latinos everywhere suffer the same racial, social, and economic struggles worldwide. Voting has not empowered our causes, the Christian church has failed to lead us to a higher morality of living, and integration into the American society has systemically ensured our economic demised. It’s time for a change.
In these last days, we must return to our heritage, our God given birth right, with better promises. We must allow the Word of the Most High to be Final Authority in and for our people’s lives. When we return to the covenant our God that our forefathers made with the Most High we will receive vindication and see the Power of the Most High that has been unseen since the days of the Apostles.
This site serves as an educational resource center to help the people of God to understand the mysteries of the Scriptures, its TRUE meaning in these last days and to empower God’s people to become self-efficient. We praise the Most High God for sending his Son “Jesus Christ The Anointed Messiah” to free us from the curse. And we believe the Savior will return to save us in these Last Days