

Its our goal to provide a wide range of study tools to aid your research into historical truth, biblical text and your original langue, so that you may be able to see our hidden history and truth of our past connection to our Most High.  Therefore we will provide the most accurate accounts of historical scholarship, biblical text and books to refute the lies the Nations of the World have hide from our eyes of understanding,  "that we are The Sons of Jacob", "The Children of Israel."  

Biblical Study Aids

The section will provide you with biblical study tools to help you learn the Hebrew language, scriptural context, the understanding of doctrines, translations and transliterations. As well as provide other primary resources to aid you in your journey to the Truth.

Historical Books and Artifacts

This section will provide you with artifacts and historical primary resources as well as recent finds of our True history. You will also find modern recent study tools that our people have brought to aid in our quest to return to our Most High.   


This section will provide you break downs and understanding to our Hebrew doctrines our forefathers passed and to highlight the false teachings which have come from the Whole of the modern day Christian church. 

Southern Kingdom men used by the Most High.

The Most High uses men for his purpose and calling. The Most High used several of our brothers in various ways to attack the kingdom of Edom. As it be, we must learn from each of them and apply learned victories and defeats to scripturally build our Nation among the heathens. 
Learn of these men lott
The Most High uses men for his purpose and calling. The Most High used several of our brothers in various ways to attack the kingdom of Edom. As it be, we must learn from each of them and apply learned victories and defeats to scripturally build our Nation among the heathens. 

Northern Kingdom men used by the Most High.

Learn of these men lott.

Interested in our Business Center Network? Click the link below!

The Business Center Network is design to teach and steer our people into having their own businesses, to provide business within our own community and practice business trade within the entire Israelite community.  
Business Center Network
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